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Adventures in Off-Road Training: Grit, Grace, and Lessons Learned at the Imperial Sand Dunes


Updated: Mar 6, 2024

Cara and I traveled to Southern California, Imperial Sand Dunes, this past week to do our first big training with the multi-time winner of the Rebelle Rally, Nena Barlow of Barlow Adventures.

Team Grit & Grace

I just thought it would be Nena and staff from her company but her “staff” ended up being other veterans of the rally and one of the rally mechanics. The students comprised multiple rookie teams as well as past competitors who were there to hone in on their skills. I was so nervous leading into this training. I have spent HOURS and MONTHS of daily studying and practicing navigation but I honestly was struggling to put everything I had learned into action leading up to Nena’s course.

I’m a hands-on learner who also needs someone to provide instruction. Sitting in your house plotting coordinates and taking headings and distance, or practicing out in your yard with your compass is nothing like trying to do it in a Jeep driving off-road. This was about to get real.

Danielle studying hard

Nena was a softy on us when it came to the cowbell ringing at 9 am every morning for class to start but tables were set up much earlier so we could have a place to plot coordinates for the day. (The wake-up cowbell for the rally is 5 am but we will have been up way before that.) Every day had different goals and agendas. We focused on driving skills in the dunes, sand recovery, reading terrain, reading maps, route planning, communication, how to run an enduro using a road book and do the math (blood pressure rising ), and so much more.

The people we met this past week at our Off-Road Training have a special place in my heart. I’ll never forget a single one of them, staff or student. We made friends that have become dear to me in such a short time. We laughed so much and maybe a few of us cried once or twice. In the evening during campfire time, before I early retreated to my tent to plot coordinates, check, and recheck, I just tried to take in everything. Hearing all the stories from past competitions was intimidating but even more exhilarating. Although we have been registered to compete for many months, this was the first time it hit me hard that “I’m finally doing this”. It’s overwhelming and exciting. I’ve wanted to do this for so long and finally do it.

hard work pays off

And not to boast (I am right now), Grit and Grace rocked it on the last day of the mock rally!! Danielle & Cara Grit & Grace Belles


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