We recently returned from training in Ridgecrest, CA with some veteran Rebelle Rally (RR) teams (Laura, Holly, Lani, and Lisa). This opportunity came up after we had met these Rebelles at Nena Barlow’s sand dune driving/navigation training in Glamis, CA. We were stoked to have this opportunity. Not only are these ladies incredible drivers and navigators, but they are wise beyond what we can explain. And they were all business when it came down to training time!
It took 2.5 days to drive out to California (Danielle starting in Mississippi). We were fortunate to stop at Laura’s house in Arizona, where Holly had just flown in to, then carpool to Ridgecrest together. They took us on a side route and we got to go through Joshua Tree National Park. Danielle had seen Joshua Trees on her previous adventures out west but this was a first for Cara. She took a few minutes to capture some incredible shots with her new Hasselblad camera.

On our first morning of training, we met Lani and Lisa at “basecamp” and headed out together to find those checkpoints (CP’s). We stayed together for a few hours so we rookies could get the feel of it. Once we felt we had a decent grasp, we headed out independently. Thanks to Holly’s incredible organizational skills, she kept documents from her past RRs, we were using her actual past RR CP guides. We had printed off 24”x 36” maps on which we had plotted all the CP’s. We even threw in a few enduros! We can also confirm we officially do not love timed enduros. Especially timed enduros that take you right next to a wild burro sanctuary. Danielle is EASILY distracted by all the hooved animals…but this time so was Cara. After some wrong turns, laughs, and a little stress, we ended up exactly where we were supposed to be. That’s what matters, right? LOL

By day three we were tired. We were absorbing everything we possibly could to learn as much as possible. We all set out together this day, taking turns to lead. This was helpful for us because we were able to see how other teams plan, strategize, and navigate to each CP. We learned why and when to do certain things, like when to say enough time has been spent looking for a black CP. The end of this day was a precision enduro. It was quite literally the perfect end to a fabulous three days of training. Precision enduros are FUN and this route wound through an absolutely gorgeous location. Emily and Jimmy, who make these routes for the RR, definitely know how to create a rally that will take you through some of the most beautiful landscapes you will ever see.
We all went back to the Airbnb, ate pizza, laughed, and ended with a late night of Pythagorean Theorem math class led by Holly.

Something that wasn’t on our radar when we started this journey was the people we would meet and the friendships we would make. Sure, we knew we’d meet people but we have been blown away by the kindness and willingness to share and help one another.
We aspire to be like them. To be kind, teach, lift each other up, and help other women. We hope to one day be in a position to help other rookie teams be successful. We are so grateful to everyone who has supported us on this journey.
-Cara & Danielle