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Investing in
Your Future

The Grit & Grace Approach
Get out. Make mistakes. Do something different. Live the dream you have always wanted when you were younger. The dream that you have been spending your whole life thinking about. Do it once. It’s okay to fail. It’s not about succeeding. It’s about living a dream you have always wanted. Do it once. Do it before your life is over.
-Ron Lim

Cara & Danielle's
Danielle’s introduction to the Rebelle Rally came through an article her husband, Brice, discovered in Overland Journal. Inspired by her passion for outdoor adventures, especially after a lengthy overlanding trip from Mississippi through Baja, Danielle aspired to participate in the Rebelle Rally.
Her challenge would be finding another woman with the same passion for off-road adventure, as her experiences had predominantly been with male groups. This changed when she crossed paths with Cara’s husband, Matt, on an overlanding trip, setting the stage for Danielle to connect with another like-minded adventurer.
Danielle and Cara’s eventual meeting at an off-road park in Arkansas marked the beginning of a connection between the two.
Bonding over their love for overlanding and off-road adventures, Danielle was eager to share her dream of participating in the Rebelle Rally.
To Danielle’s delight, Cara was filled with excitement about the possibility of competing. As they gravitated toward each other, the foundation was laid for a partnership that would not only explore the rugged terrains in their off-road vehicles throughout the country but also conquer the challenges of the Rebelle Rally together, turning a distant dream into an exciting shared reality.

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